
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Snow Day

We braced ourselves for snow storm that I'm sure every Minnesotan knew was coming. Besides the option of being able to go somewhere being taken away, being stuck at home because of snow isn't much different than any other day as a stay-at-home-mom. But for some reason I didn't want today be any other normal day. Maybe it was because I wasn't looking forward to the snowfall, or maybe it was because I knew Andy was going to be home all day and he's usually not in the middle of the week--whatever it was, I didn't want today just to be another Wednesday.

So we took a snow day.

Like lots of kids that woke up this morning and saw the massive amount of snow outside, Vienna was excited. She kept shouting "snow!" all morning and when we finally asked if she wanted to go outside she was all too anxious to get her snow gear on. This is the first significant amount of snowfall we've had all winter, which is uncommon for Minnesota, so it was fun to see Vienna trudge through it. At first she got really frustrated that she couldn't walk as fast as she normally could, fell down a lot, got stuck and had to hold onto our hands, but then she got a little more comfortable and found the hang of it on her own. She's played in the snow several times this winter, but there's a difference between playing in an inch or two of snow and playing in a foot of fluffy whiteness.

She loved it.

A snow day is not complete without coming in from the cold to a nice warm cup of hot cocoa. I made the most delicious homemade-sugar-free hot cocoa to least Vienna sure thought so.

And what better thing to do on a snowy day inside than to bake? We indulged in a little cheat meal and I concocted some nutella brownies that I had seen on Pintrest. They were entirely drowned in sugar, and entirely divine--and I even got to sneak in an episode of Downton Abbey (which, thanks to my good friend Teri, I am entirely enthralled with) while I enjoyed a piece of the gooey goodness.

Not unlike any other day we did lots of playing, reading books, and dancing--but somehow it was different than normal. We all had fun and enjoyed our snow day together. And as a bonus, despite our relaxing approach to the day, I somehow managed to get my front rooms entirely cleaned, the floors washed, and a delicious roast dinner made complete with organic mashed potatoes, home-made gravy and broccoli.

It was a fun, relaxing, and an oddly productive day in our house...I guess maybe I wouldn't mind if snow days like this happened more often. :)