
Thursday, October 29, 2009

I said I'd never... but I did.

I did it. Something I said I was never going to do.

I have been sick for the past five days, fever, nasty cough and congestion and a sore throat. I feel miserable. Well, I am one of those that believes if you're sick - stay home, don't spread the sickness. Well, I went against my own rule. I seem to be over the fever part and my fridge and kitchen cupboards are screaming for some food in them. I very well could have sent my husband grocery shopping if I wanted to wait, but I didn't. I went myself, I've spent several days doing nothing but blow my nose and watch movies, so I wanted to step out of the house. But I totally shouldn't have gone, by the end of the trip I was twice as miserable and now feel worse than I did before I left. The whole time I felt like people were staring at me like they knew that I was sick and I shouldn't be out. Oops.

I did something else too.

I am also one of those people that believes that when you go to the grocery store you should buy something before you consume it. Anything - a bottle of pop/water, chips, etc. I have firmly stuck by this rule, until today. Twice I broke it. One, I was so incredibly thirsty I literally couldn't stand it, I drank a bottle of water before I bought it. Oops. Two, my lips are like the Arabian desert, they have never been so chapped before in my life, they look terrible and feel terrible. The only thing that I find ever works for my lips when they get this chapped is Vaseline - I also used that that today too before I bought it- several times. Oops, again.

Monday, October 19, 2009

14 weeks

Lately I have been realizing how little time I really have left before our baby arrives. It's exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time! 14 weeks may not sound like a short time to you, but it does to me! For some reason when I think of time in terms of months, it seems longer. But no matter, weeks...months... she's going to be here before we know it!

I feel like my pregnancy has flown by. I guess that's a good thing though since so many woman complain that their pregnancies seem like they never end. I feel like I just found out that I'm pregnant, and now all the sudden I have a very noticeable pregnant belly and am struck with the reality that our life is going to be completely changed in just weeks!

I am enjoying being pregnant though. Sure, there are times - like when she moves onto my bladder and I have an instant and overwhelming urge to pee - that I don't enjoy. Or when I have to get up at least three times every night to use the bathroom. And when every time I do get up I feel sick to my stomach and have the urge to vomit, then, have a hard time going back to sleep. And when I gag every single time I brush my teeth. But despite all the nausea, weird body changes and the ever continuing difficulty to do normals things, I'm enjoying it.

Recently she's gotten a lot bigger and her movements are a lot stronger. I think it's cool that I can now physically see my belly move, ripple and pulsate when she moves. I enjoy that she seems to "calm" down when I rest my hand on my stomach. I think it's interesting that she loves when I do prenatal yoga. Every single time I do it I feel her move like crazy - I feel like she's doing flips in excitement or something, like she's got more room to stretch. I can feel her have hiccups. I also enjoy watching my husband think and talk about having a baby girl. I'm so excited to see him as a daddy. I enjoy throwing around name ideas, though, I've gotten to the point where I like so many names that I'm tempted to give her seven middle names just to use them all. ;) I am so insanely excited for the end of 14 weeks to see our baby girl and to hold her and kiss her!

But I'm nervous too. Real nervous. Being a mom? I've never done it before, I have no idea what I'm doing. I can try to prepare myself but I know no matter how much I do it's never going to be enough. It's not going to be just me and Andy anymore. I'm going to have a child. I'm going to give birth. I'm going to get huge and even more uncomfortable in my own body. There is so many things I need to do before then. Holy crap... that '14 weeks' thing is settling in again...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Well it's no lie that I have been absent from my blog for quite some time. Sorry. Hopefully I didn't lose any avid readers. My life hasn't been normal in any way for the last two months, and two weeks ago we finally moved into our own place and I have been busy cleaning, unpacking and organizing. Not to mention that we had issues getting internet hooked up at our house. Now that we finally have the working net at a good speed and I've got several rooms in my house organized and functional, I feel like I have time for things like... my blog!

So I'm back, for real this time.

Some new things:
  • My blog background! The other one was too summery... plus I like change.
  • I added an option on the right sidebar to follow my blog from facebook! Those of you facebook users that access my blog from my postings, you can now follow my blog without a google account!