
Friday, July 26, 2013

Color-Changing Flowers

Vienna has been especially snuggly the last couple of weeks. It's not like her to just climb up on my lap for the sake of sitting there, but she's been doing it a lot lately, asking to be held, and I have not minded one little bit. She's getting so big and I love to steal any moment I can to snuggle her. Most of the times she chats away about one thing or another and likes to rub my face or give me kisses in the moments of lull between sentences. Today was a cute little moment when she wanted to sit on my lap after naptime and asked me if Finley was still sleeping. I told her he was.

"Is he dreaming?" she asked.

"I don't know," I said. "Maybe. Did you have a dream when you were sleeping?"

She nodded her head. (She has never told me she's dreamt before...)

"What did you dream about?"


"Oh really? What about flowers?"

She thought for a minute. "They were blue and white and pink..."

"Ooh, they sound pretty."

"Yeah, they were beautiful flowers, Mommy. They were blue, then white, then pink. They changed colors!"

"Wow. That's sounds amazing."

"Yeah, they were beautiful." Then she paused.... "I love you mommy."

This girl melts my heart over and over again every day. I just love seeing her learn how to express herself, her thoughts and feelings...she's more like a kid now than a toddler and its so fun to see her blossom.

(Later in the day she asked to paint and went to work with her brush and paper. While I was doing some cleaning she came to show me her finished product and explained to me that she painted a picture of her dream....she only used blue, white and pink paint and told me they were color changing flowers.)

Must've been a great dream.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday, Finley!

Dear Finley,

It was a year ago when I met you for the first time, my sweet baby boy. I will never forget holding you to my chest, my hands were the first to touch your soft baby skin and you fit perfectly into my arms. Your hair was matted and curly and your cry was like the sweetest music I had ever heard.

You're one, and I can hardly believe it! These 12 months flew went from being a tiny little baby who fit perfectly on my chest, to a big boy who can feed himself and put himself to sleep. You began conquering your first roll-over and before I knew started walking. Where did the time go? I may not have documented all those precious moments as much as I would've liked to...but they will always be in my heart and I will never forget my beautiful boy, who, despite all the ups and down with stomach issues and long sleepless nights, displayed strength and contentment through it all. You have always been relaxed and content, even in the midst of labor--and your strength has been evident from the beginning.

You are absolutely wonderful. And I am so blessed to be your mommy. You started walking when you were 11 months old and now you are basically running. All those first milestones this past year you figured out on your own and tackled like a pro. You amaze me. You're contentment in whatever you're doing and your desire to explore has shown me to enjoy life more fully. You occupy yourself and I often find you playing with everything that is not a toy...not tearing it apart, but figuring out what it does or what you can do with it. You are smart, I am amazed at how much you understand when I talk to when I suggest going outside and you bring me your shoes, or when I ask for something in your hand and you give it to me, or when you take off for your room when I say it's nigh-night. You repeat words that surprise me, and besides calling for mommy and daddy you frequently say the words "hot" "yuck" and "thank you." No matter what I do, you are entirely fascinated with the toilet and the trash...I think it must be a boy thing. :)

You are such a sweet boy, you show love so generously with your snuggles and kisses, and your concern for others when they're upset (especially your sister) is evident.  You are very receptive and the mood of the people around you influences you greatly. Your smile is still my favorite thing about you--so contagious, big and full of of life. A smile is meant for your face, sweet boy, it says so much about you. You are such an important part of our family, we all love you so incredibly. You've made our life so full and happy. I am so thankful to have been able to watch you grow into a one-year-old, it was so fun to watch you conquer all your firsts and to see your personality unfold, I am so excited to see you develop and grow even more!

I love you Finny-boy! Happy Birthday!!!


Some of your favorite things are: Playing with things in the kitchen cupboards, "chasing" your sister around the house, laughing at your daddy, dancing to music, going outside, being home, eating bananas and almond butter, listening to mommy sing, climbing the stairs and running around naked.