
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Exceptionally Cute

Have you ever had those moments where you are struct with the cuteness of your own child and think they are absolutely the most adorable thing on the face of this earth? Of course you have--if you're a parent.

I've had several of those moments today. Which I find kind of strange because the day started off terrible and only got worse. Vienna woke up earlier than normal, fussed all morning, spilt her orange juice all over the kitchen (and when I mean all over, I mean...on the floor, all over her chair, onto the wall, on the kitchen curtain and somehow managed to even get it on the window.) Peed her pants, fussed some more, and then some more. Nap time couldn't come soon enough today and mommy took advantage of a nap herself. But after nap things didn't improve much and I knew I was getting frustrated, which in turn, only made her more fussy. She told me she had to pee so I put her on the potty, took a deep breath and sat down on the floor facing her, waiting. She just began chatting away as I watched her little face tell me some unknown story about daddy, pat-a-cake, shoes and several other things that I didn't understand. I wish I knew what she was saying. But her face just lit up and she kept watching me for a reaction. I poured my attention into her and watched as she kept jabbering away. I couldn't get over how exceptionally cute she was.

We moved to her room and spent the better part of an hour playing together. I let go of everything I wanted to get done and gave her 100% of my attention. We chased, tickled, played with toys, read books and just had fun. She was so giddy, running around, giggling, smiling with a look of complete happiness on her face...and I thought, "Wow, she is so incredibly and exceptionally cute." Her behavior, her face, her little tip-toe running and her messy hair. So adorable. I love her. She is so much love and joy wrapped in this tiny little body and she just needed some mommy and daughter time to nourish her soul. And it soothed mine too. I think sometimes I just forget what is really important.


Unknown said...

Thank you kristy for that beautiful reminder. In my head I know that my children are worth every spilled cup of liquid :) and every moment cleaning pee and poop off the floor. I know this in my head but my heart forgets it some days. I needed to hear this! You are such a good mom for being willing to slow down, let go and refocus in your daughter!!!!!

Tia said...

Awesome!!! Love little V and you :) She IS very very adorable, especially her little screech :)

Unknown said...

My favorite is her big laugh :)