
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Is it too late to blog about Christmas? It would seem weird if I didn't mention it. So much preparation for a blur of craziness for a week, and's over. Regardless, it was still great.

Celebrating Christmas was a week long event for us this year. Though crazy, I prefer to stretch the time out with our families like that so we can all actually spend time together, instead of a quick stop here and there inside of day to scarf down some food, say hi and open a present.

We started celebrating Christmas a week beforehand by having Grandpa Paul (Andy's dad) over to our house for a Christmas roast dinner, complete with oozing chocolate cake while we enjoyed the evening chatting and watching a movie.

Then, we journeyed north to Grandma (Andy's mom) and Grandpa Cliff's house to spend a couple days there. Andy and I got to go on a movie date while V spent a little quality time with Grandma. In the morning everyone came over, both of Andy's brother's, their wives and their babies. We made brunch for his family and spent the day chatting with everyone and watching the three grandkids play, and trying to fit in their naps. It was the first time all three grandkids were all together at the same time, it was good to see everyone and of course when there are babies in the room - it's a good time! :) We sat down for a nice meal then opened gifts. The babies drew names (okay, the parents did it for them) and Vienna received some adorable pink cowboy boots, brown flowery shoes and a super cute twirly skirt from her cousin Evan. And of course lots of gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Cliff, her favorite is a girly firetruck that she can push around and ride on. Andy and I also received a lot of generous gifts, and loved the chaos of wrapping paper and boxes thrown all over the living room floor. But the time with family went by far too quickly and I found myself wondering where the day had gone as everyone left that evening. The next day we left earlier than we intended to because we got lots of snow that night and it was continuing all day. Thankfully the roads weren't too bad on the two hour drive home.

So then it was back home for us for a few days. Andy had to work up through Christmas eve and we wanted to spend Christmas morning at our house. Vienna must've known because she got up at 6am on Christmas morning. We exchanged gifts as a family, Vienna had a blast checking out every item, box, bow and piece of wrapping paper, I think she carried around a pair of socks in her mouth for most of the morning. I wasn't sure how she'd react to the present we got her, a little toy piano, I assumed she wouldn't care about the toy itself and like the wrapping paper better. But when she opened it...well, you'll can see for yourself...

After breakfast and a little last minute work Andy had to do, we traveled, once again up north, to Oma and Opa's house (my parents.) Christmas is the one time of year every single member of my immediate family is all together at the same time. Everyone arrived that day, all 19 of us (I have four siblings, 3 of which are married and have kids)...all crammed in one house...for a couple of days. Regardless of how that might sound, I love it. We chit chat, play games, take the kids outside, eat good food, sip on some wine or baileys, and try not to argue. lol. Just kidding, kind of. ;) The morning after we all arrived we woke up and had the kids gift exchange. They draw names and each have a present to open from someone. Then it's breakfast and dinner preparations. I do have to say that Christmas dinner this year was phenomenal. Everything from the turkey, to the sweet potatoe pie, whiskey glazed carrots...right down to the green bean was delicious. My brother's comment: "When you make noises while you're eating, you know its good!" Unfortunately I didn't let Vienna indulge in the tasty dinner because when I let her experience thanksgiving, she was up screaming that night with gas pains. So she stuck to more simple sweet potatoes without all the added yumminess (like butter and sugar). She did get to savor the turkeythough.
Anyways, after putting the kids to bed we had an adult gift exchange. For years we have each drawn a name prior to Christmas (parents included) girls draw girl names, boys draw boy names, and then when we exchange them and take turns watching each other open their present. Two things I love about this: first, I love being able to put more thought into the gift I give...and second, I love watching each person open their gift, especially this year - my sister Heidi was pretty excited about what I got her. :) Makes me happy. Andy received a hunting knife (which he is now obsessed with) and a cool sweater from my brother Nathan. And my sister Kayla gave me a string of pearls (which she scored an insanely good deal on) and a super cute shirt.
And then there's one more day, it's tradition - not sure why, but the day after we celebrate Christmas, the "kids" go out. A little shopping for the girls while the guys go to a movie. In the past Oma and Opa have watched the grandkids, but seeing that there are now 8 of them, 3 being babies, we took turns going out...the guys watched the kids while the girls shopped in the morning, then everyone met up for lunch...the girls took the kids home and then it was guys turn for a movie. It was a busy day! Considering my parents live an hour away from town...two hours were spent just driving.

And then the next day it was home.

And to top it off, that week alone Vienna popped in two more teeth. Which involved, but was not limited to, two days of a fever, and three very long sleepless nights.

*sigh* I'm spent. Aren't you?


Jessie Ward said...

I LOVE how she just plopped down and started playing! Sooooo cute!!

Unknown said...

I never start any arguments ;)

I really did love my gift. A lot :)

Unknown said...

She reminds me of that peanuts caricature, Schroeder. :) I liked your Christmas story. Thanks for sharing!!