
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sweets update

I can't believe how much time has passed since my last blog post- I feel like it's only been a few days, but in actuality it's been over a month. Sorry about that for those of you that are avid blog readers of mine. If there are any of you. ;)

What's kept me? To be honest, I have no idea. I guess things like busy weekends, being sick, running and small projects at home...just to name a few. Nothing extremely exciting, unfortunately.

I had a few reasons for starting this blog, one of them being a way to document and express things about my kid(s) that I wanted to remember in years to come. And as always there are new things to update about my little sweet girl, she grows like a weed and changes constantly, I can hardly keep up.

1. She's gotten very good about communicating. She's really using the signs she knows, which are: "please," "more," "eat," and she just learned "thank you." She also knows "baby" but that's not a common thing she has the need to communicate. When she wants to eat she tells me so by signing, not screaming, which is awesome. When she wants something she really does a good job communicating it by hand motions and little noises, instead of screaming, which is awesome. Not to say she never screams, because she does, sometimes.
She has started doing this thing that when she wants to go somewhere that she's not allowed to go by herself - like down the stairs - she comes and finds you and takes your hand and brings you there herself. It's so cute that it's nearly impossible to stay no.

2. At fourteen-months she can say: "Mom," "Dad," "Hi," "Tickle," "Bye," "Yay," "Night," & "Hot." She has also started eating with utensils.

3. She has begun trying to climb everything. Onto toys, into baskets...everything. One thing about Vienna that we've noticed as she's growing is that she likes to be sure of herself before really trying to do something that is daring. Like walking; I think she could've walked sooner than she did, she was sturdy and would walk like a pro with the help of a hand, but she wasn't sure of herself to try to take a step on her own - until one day she decided she was ready and then just started walking and never really crawled again. Same with climbing, she's had the ability to do it for awhile but she didn't really start climbing until she was certain that she could do it confidently. And when she gets it, she has no fear. She loves to climb up and down off our bed and up and down the stairs.

4. She is constantly on the go. All the time. She never stops.

5. She has become quite the personality. I love to see her little personality coming to life more and more and it's fun to see the different things that interest her and how she works. She lovesmusic. Loves it. And loves to dance. Nearly every time she hears some sort of beat she starts dancing - which her dance moves seem to change from stomping her feet up and down rapidly to turning in circles or bounces her body up and down. She also loves the piano...we walk into my parents' house and the first thing she goes for is the piano - she loves to play with her uncle.

5. She has also started this new laughing thing where she just walks around and laughs, for no reason. Not like a baby giggle but a downright belly-adult-like-laugh. It's so funny.

6. One thing I've discovered is that she's very transparent. When she's happy, she's happy. When she's mad, she's mad. Etc. And there's not much of an in-between. And there's also not much that can be done to change it. I do have to say that she's a happy little girl most of the time though...and likes to be very expressive about things that entertain her.

7. Vienna, a.k.a. Bina, Beanie-baby, V, Goose, & Sweets.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haha!! This is fun because I was literally JUST going to go to your FB page and tell you that I have noticed that you haven't blogged in a really long time and you should probably get on that ;) You have at least one avid blog reader who notices when you don't blog :)

Love the picture, love the shirt she is wearing in the picture :)