
Tuesday, December 31, 2013


It's the last day of 2013, and honestly, I'm kind of relieved. I've never really felt this way before about closing out a year, but I am pretty happy to put this year behind me and move into another. Not that there hasn't been a lot of great memories, there has, but 2013 was probably the most challenging year for me personally as an adult. Between moving twice, health issues, emotional, mental, and physically changes and the hardships of parenting and marriage--it's been a long and trying year.

Though, with that said, I wouldn't change it. Without this past year I wouldn't be where I am today and here I sit finding rest in love. Without the trials I would never moved forward and learn what it means to love, find rest, be joyful, content and thankful. 2013 was a refining year for me, and though it's always hard to make changes it's always a good process and I have learned so much about life and love that I wouldn't trade it for an uneventful year. :)

For me, the year closes with a new move and settlement in a new house. But one thing I now know; home is not about where I live or what house I live in. :)

At the beginning of 2013 I wanted to slow-down…and looking back I think throughout the year I have been learning that very thing. I am thankful for that, despite that the year certainly didn't feel that way.

I am excited to open the doors to 2014. I don't normal set any resolutions, however I do think I want to step into this new year with the intent of living more simply, purposefully and with love.

One day at a time. Being present. Loving. And finding joy in all things. 

Happy New Year to you! :)

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