
Friday, December 6, 2013

A Little Moment.

As my daughter grows older and changes constantly before my eyes I am often reminded of the fact that her character is blossoming and being defined with each passing moment. Amidst the emotional meltdowns, chaotic days, and the "Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom's" that make me want to pull my hair out. It's easy to overlook our child's chatter...especially when they talk all day long and especially when you're in the middle of doing something you need/want to do.

My girl was hanging around me today while I was doing some painting in our new bedroom, chatting away and asking lots of questions, like usual. Honestly, sometimes moments like these wear me out...the sound of constant talking while chasing around the 1.5-yr-old turkey while trying to finish what I'm doing and pay attention to "Mom, look at this! Mom, look at me! Mom, what is this? Mom, can you do this? Mom, mom, mom..."

But this time it was just me and her. And it was nice. And it made me realize that this little heart is being influenced by my actions day in and day out. I really should listen more.

Otherwise I'd miss conversations like this:

V: "Why does God live in my heart?"

Me: "Because he loves you so very very much."

V (entirely sincere): "Aww. That's so sweet."


Then...really quietly...

V: "Mom?"

Me: "What, babe?"

V: "Why am I beautiful?"

This is when I stopped and realized that we were in the middle of a moment that was impacting my daughter's heart on a great level. I put down my paintbrush, bent down and looked her in the eye: "You are beautiful because of who you are.. You are caring, you are loving, you are nice and thoughtful, you are smart and funny, you are sweet...all of those things make you beautiful."

And I saw something amazing happen. I saw her little heart shine as she accepted my answer and soaked in its truth.

Yes, baby girl. Accept that beauty. Embrace it. And shine.


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