
Tuesday, May 5, 2009


As Andy and I were driving home from the park, coming back from a 3 mile run, we approached our street and saw a car waiting at the stop sign. As we turned the corner we both stared at the car, I'm sure our mouths were hanging open. Not because it was fancy. No. That's not the reason. (Although it wasn't a bad car either, just sort of in-between). What caught our attention was the layer of plastic covering the driver's side window (or where a window should be). The kind of thick hazy plastic you can't see through. But the really odd part was the small hole in the middle of it and the finger we saw poking through that hole and an the eyeball earnestly peeking out. Andy and I just looked at each other and laughed. Seriously, did that guy just check for traffic through a little hole in his plastic window? Nice. Super safe. Most of us are driving with our windows down... it's so warm. Wouldn't having no window be safer than a little peep hole? You'd like to think so...


Unknown said...

Gosh! So dangerous!! Silly man.

Kayla said...

3 mile run... I wish! anyway! lol, silly guy, I thought it was a little bad to have a crack in my mirror in the drivers side!

Tia said...

I can just picture it!!! Its Jasonville of course you see lots of weird funny things daily! :) I can also picture you and Andy.....funny!