
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Growing girl

It is so fun to see Vienna change from week to week. She is 13 weeks today. It has gone by so fast, but it's still weird to say that I have a 3-month-old daughter.

She may have the good looks of her daddy, but she definitely has a few of my traits. One of them being her sleeping habits. She LOVES to cuddle a blanket. She takes all of her naps with her blankie like this and will grab it like it's the best thing in the world, (that and her pacifier - if she's not sucking on her pacifier she's sucking on her fingers.) I was very much like that when I was little, I sucked my thumb for far too long (unfortunately) and I was incredibly attached to my blanket as a child. I had to have it to go to sleep and I would always pet it, it was so soft. To this day I still like to cuddle the blanket underneath my arm when I sleep.

She's such a good sleeper. There are times she fights going to sleep, and times when she can be a very sensitive sleeper. But the majority of the time she goes down pretty easy (she's even fallen asleep on her own a couple of times.) And she has pretty good chunks of sleeping time, during the day and at night.

It's so neat to see her learn, first just with noticing toys and now actually grabbing them and playing with them. She loves this flower rattle. I mean, really loves it. She smiles and talks to that thing like its her best friend.

We got her a play-mat just the other day and she has been loving that as well.

And I'm in the process of transitioning her into her 3-6 month clothes. Its kinda sad to put away some of these outfits she's worn for the past three months, all of the sudden one day half of the things were too small for her. There's still several 0-3 things she can still wear... so she's not officially in the next size as most of those are still big on her. It's just crazy how fast they grow! I mean really, everyday I feel like she's different. Either she looks a little different or can do something a little differently. But I love each new day with her.

1 comment:

WoRds/WoNDer said...

She seems so big! I cry just thinking about Samuel's a catch-22 because I will definitely welcome the sleep & laughing & playing when it comes but I love him while he's so tiny....