
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Successful socks

I never even thought about making my own Christmas stockings until my sister mentioned it a couple weeks ago, and I thought..."ya know, it really can't be that hard." I was in the hunt for a stocking for Vienna anyway and I didn't totally love mine and Andy's current stockings. But I really didn't want to spend a lot of money...

I did a little searching online on "how to" and came across this great 3-part video tutorial. I decided I'd give it a try and took off to the fabric store. That was a nightmare. Screaming child, understaffed store, so many decisions....ugh. Needless-to-say I didn't want to step foot inside that fabric store again for a very long time. But I walked out with some great material and accessories and ideas for my stockings.

I basically followed the video with a few exceptions:
1. I didn't use the adhesive material.
2. I made the outside of my stocking the same length as the inside lining as I wanted to roll my stocking over to create the cuff.
3. I attached the loop to the inside lining instead of the outside.

I'm really no sewing savvy, so trust me when I say this is super easy. If I could figure it out and make alterations of my own, it really can't be that hard. And the best part, it doesn't have to be perfect sewing...or cutting. The first stocking took the longest because I wasn't sure exactly what I was doing, but the second two were a breeze. Seriously, so simple.

I spent $30 for all the supplies...that included thread, all the accessories and the material. I'm super happy with the way they turned out. I love them. The only thing missing is names, I'd still like to add our names to the cuffs, in a non-cheesy-nice-looking-sort-of-way, but I'm not too sure how to do that. So maybe that'll be a project for next year.

Daddy's stocking:

Mommy's stocking (can't decide whether to put a bow on it or keep it off...)

Vienna's stocking

Yep. I'm super happy with the way they turned out!


Kayla said...

Very nice! I kind of wanted to make ours this year but my sewing machine went to crap and I also didn't know how to put our names on them so I found some cute ones online and got those. Maybe one day when I get tired of these (though that probably won't be for awhile because I like them :) ) and I have a sewing machine that works I will make some of my own!

Tia said...

Super cute!!! Makes me want to make my own, but I wouldn't know where to start!!! Plus I don't have a sewing machine!

Unknown said...

LOVE them. Totally love them. I am so inspired I kind of want to go to the store right now.