
Saturday, June 9, 2012

More Stats

More Pregnancy Stats I want to remember:

week 1 - week 26

-27 weeks, previous week pubic pain issue disappeared, felt amazing. Took it easy but started my normal exercise routine.

-29 weeks, 17 lb total weight gain. Full swing back into my regular routine. Baby turned head down and settled lower in my pelvis...definitely noticed the change in pressure and definitely started waking up more during the night to wee. Getting more tired, but still feeling good.

-31 weeks, had a terrible week of consuming bread and sugars and getting little sleep, felt super pregnant in every way--huge, tired and a sore. Re-focused and realized what I was doing to myself...

-32 weeks, 21 lb total weight gain.

-33 weeks, Amped things up a bit in my workouts--realized that I was lifting more and getting stronger. Felt phenomenal. Energy--strength--mood--diet--emotions--etc. 

-34 weeks, noticeably popped quite a bit! 25 lb total weight gain (not too happy about the 4lb increase in two weeks...but oh well!) 

-35 weeks, noticing significant changes every week. Having to slow down some--feeling my ligaments and body really changing and loosening. Baby settled even lower.

-36 weeks, managing to still exercise normally but more slowly (pushups, sit-ups, squats, running, weights, etc.) Feeling pretty good. 29lb total weight gain...another 4lb increase in two weeks. Interestingly enough I appear to put all my weight on at the end. It's got to be needed weight because I haven't changed anything in my diet or routine.

-37 weeks, major significant changes in my body. Every few days I notice big changes in the loosening and softening of my pelvis. Started easing up on the exercise routine quickly, out of necessity. It was affecting my lower back and hips. Decided I probably need to stick to walking, wall push-ups and shallow ball-assisted wall squats unless I wanted to be in pain everyday and walk around waddling.

-38 weeks, 3-4 cm dilated. 80% effaced. Baby's head past engagement point, at +2. 29lb total weight gain. Feeling pretty great! Appetite has significantly increased and I started craving the things I did in the beginning again. Keeping to walking and scrubbing floors as my source of exercise...trying to encourage this baby out. :) I'm tired by the end of the day and just my feet get a little sore, but I still feel pretty great and can manage everything fairly easily. Sleep is definitely challenging as he likes to move a lot at night and rub his head against my insides, but I've been good about getting to bed early and forcing myself to lie down during the day so most days I feel like I have a fair amount of energy. Can't believe he's almost here!!!!

I can't wait to hold his squirmy, wriggly little body in my arms. :) :) :)

(a couple previews from a 37week photo shoot)

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